Thursday, November 16, 2017

Saving time


Season 2


If you want most of your time management techniques to work you must be disciplined. Being disciplined means sticking with one important job until it is finished. It need a strong discipline to attend to important office job when friends and colleagues are enjoying a football match or weekend picnic. It takes discipline yo refrain from interrupting a co-worker to ask about a routine matter.
One causes of weak self-discipline is poor health or even simple fatigue. If you are a not feeling well, you always don't have the mental and emotional energy to concentrate on the job at hand. Take care of yourself. Indulge in a regular exercise programme. Review what you eat and drink. Avoid junk foods, excessive smoking and alcohol. Get some extra sleep, take a mini-vacation with your family during the weekend. Go to a natural resort or a hill station or the sea beach.
Another cause of the problem is lack of interest in the work. It may be that you do not like the assignment that has been given to you. If there is no way of changing it, develop a positive attitude towards your work and develop a feeling of accomplishment. It will energies you and provide a boost that you need to recover enthusiasm about work.
Self-discipline is a part of the personality, and lack of it is a habit. Ask yourself a question: "Do l want to see myself as a failed person?"
One time-tested solution to self-discipline is autosuggestion and self-talk. If you tell yourself over and over again that you are an organize person and that you have the discipline to do what is to be done, many problems related with a weak discipline will be avoided.
Disciplined people have common characteristics. They do not settle for "almost" , and they do not give up. They set tough targets for themselves and keep going until they reach them. Then they set even higher goals.
...MC Kings.....

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