Sunday, February 18, 2018


1. Realize this:
No matter what you say and how you say it, SOME people will never get it.
That's not your fault!
*Sad, But True!*

2. No matter how pure your motives are, SOMEBODY will still accuse you of ill intentions.
Stay pure anyway.
*Sad, But True!*

3. No matter how humble you are, somebody will still consider you proud. Stay humble, anyway.
*Sad, But True!*

4. No matter how generous you are, somebody will still call you "selfish". Remain generous, anyway.
*Sad, But True!*

5. Sometimes some of your greatest pains will come from those you gave the most pleasure.
*Sad, But True!*

6. Some of your greatest disappointments will come from those you gave your best appointments or commitments.
*Sad, But True!*

7. Sometimes some of the worst things you'd hear about yourself may come from those you speak the best of.
*Sad, But True!*

8. Not everyone in your ship is paddling in the direction of your dreamed destination.
Discernment is key.
*Sad, But True!*

9. Loving people sometimes means feeling used by them.
*Sad, But True!*

10. Sometimes, doing the right thing ends up making you look like a fool.
*Sad, But True!*

11. Tough as it seems, any evil done against you can become a seed for your promotion... It depends on your response.
*Sad, But True!*

12. I would rather appear foolish now and see the wisdom of the Almighty God unfold, than appear wise now and turn out a fool later.
*Sad, But True!*

13. Promotion doesn't come by fighting for your rights but by being faithful in doing what is right.
*Sad, But True!*

14. Those who will enjoy true promotion by the Almighty must be willing to forgive freely, forgive quickly and forgive wholly.
*Sad, But True!*

15. Those who will relish true promotion must be willing to serve many for free and selflessly.
*Sad, But True!*

16. Read with caution: Sometimes, to see the positive things Almighty God can do for you, then you have to be willing to stop what you can do in offending Him.
*Sad, But True!*

17. Without God's sign off, your biggest step can turn out to be your biggest mistake.
*Sad, But True!*

18. Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does.
*Sad, But True!*

19. Problems are easier to solve than people.
*Sad, But True!*

20. Many people will celebrate you only as long as your advancement doesn't exceed their expectations of you.
*Sad, But True!*

21. Some people get close enough to you just to find something bad about you to broadcast to the world.
*Sad, But True!*

22. Some people are quiet when you're succeeding but quick to point out your failures.
*Sad, But True!*

23. Hating those who hate you makes them your leaders, since you're following their footsteps.
*Sad, But True!*

24. Rather than react to a negative situation. Respond to your revelation.
*Sad, But True!*

25. Believe the best even when you're going through the worst.
*Sad, But True!*

26. They hurt you? Don't hold it against them. Hold them up in prayer.
*Sad, But True!*

27. Forgiving people is not just a good idea. It's a GOD's idea. Actually, more than an idea. It's an instruction.
*Sad, But True!*

28. How you respond to a situation can be more important than the situation.
*Sad, But True!*

29. Your ability to overlook an offence determines the degree of dominion you'd exercise over many other things.
*Sad, But True!*

30. Wisdom will help you solve problems. A large heart will help you accommodate people. You need both.
*Sad, But True!*

31. When all is said and done, let the fear and the love of the Almighty GOD in your heart pour through your daily walk!
*Sad, But True!*

32. The wise is he who takes lessons from the above, and with them benefit others!
*Sad, But True!*

33. Some people may think this piece is targeted at them. No. Everyone alive will need one of the points at some point or the other.
*Sad, But True!*

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